2018 Angels Academy Tuition
Program Ages 3-6 Age 2 Ages 3-6 Ages 2 Hours
Monthly Monthly Weekly Weekly
5 full days $750 $800 $225 $240 8:30am - 5:30pm
4 full days $650 $700 $195 $210
3 full days $550 $600 $165 $180
5 half days $485 $525 $145 $155 8:30am - 12:30pm

12:30pm - 5:30pm
4 half days $435 $475 $135 $145
3 half days $385 $425 $125 $135

After School Tuition (Includes Transport)
Program Monthly Weekly Monthly Weekly Hours
5 days $410 $115 $420 $120 3:00pm - 5:30pm
4 days $380 $105 $400 $410
3 days $360 $95 $380 $400

When Beaverton School District is having a no school day, after school children can come for full day classes for no extra charge. On Wednesday (early release day), the after school hours are 1:30 to 5:30.

Upon registration, you will be charged a one time registration fee of $75, which is non-refundable.Tuition is paid on the first week of every month. Holidays are accounted for in the fee schedule. There is no discount during the months that include holidays. There is no vacation credit with a month. Vacation of moving notice must be give two weeks in advance.